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August 5, 2022

40 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Rent (Items 1 – 10)

1.          Tools


Everybody needs tools. This item is particularly pleasing for those who work outside but do not want to invest in equipment, or people who need tools for a one-time adventure. You can save money on tools that you already own by making money renting them out.

Some tools might include:

  • Power drills
  • Chainsaws
  • Lawnmowers


By renting out these pieces, you will be saving money and making a passive income at the same time. Tools are one of the best things you can rent. Liability insurance might be necessary if injuries occur. Protect yourself and set some ground rules with dangerous gear.

2.          Bikes


City dwellers with very limited storage space may find that they can still enjoy outdoor activity with the occasional rental. And when it comes to bona fide transportation, bike sharing make life easier for commuters.

A bike rental business can come into fruition whether you have one, or fifteen. All you need to do is keep your bikes in top shape.

Bike rentals might require:

  • Frequent bike repairs
  • Rules to be established for customers
  • Insurance coverage

Make sure that you are taking care of your equipment. You can even rent out protective equipment separately to make even more money renting.


3.          Electronics


Curious about the iPad or other hot technology but hesitant to make the expensive commitment or long-term contract? You may want to consider renting first. Some people find that the luster of the latest goods wears off after they’ve given them a test drive. Others may need a gadget for a particular event — impressing classmates at your high school reunion? — but then wouldn’t get much use out of it in daily life.

If you are careful, you can rent out electronics. This can be dangerous, so it is critical that you have rules and safety measures in play. Charge them a security deposit that you can use to fix any damage that might happen.

Some examples of electronics that you can rent out include:


  • Laptops
  • Video game consoles
  • Tablets
  • eReaders

4.          Party Supplies



An alternative to spending hundreds of dollars on large numbers of place settings, extra tables and chairs, silverware and other items is to rent for special occasions. Remember, having less stuff may also mean you need less living and storage space — and that’s responsible for a huge part of your environmental footprint.

5.          Textbooks


Textbook makers command high prices which can take a substantial chunk out of student budgets. And students have little choice. New editions come out frequently, and typically have different page numbers to discourage reuse. You may not always be able to sell back your books when you pass the class, and even if you can you aren’t guaranteed a lot of money.

You may be able to bypass the system and save by renting books from other students.


6.          Sports Equipment


Many people are familiar with renting ski and snowboard equipment, which often makes sense for those who live in warm climates or who only hit the slopes once a year. That saves on storage and transportation hassles, and can ensure that your gear doesn’t go out of date or out of style before you wear it out (no one wants to be the guy on the hill with cable bindings). The same applies to other sports, from surfing to diving, hockey and skating. It’s also not a bad idea to try before you buy, to make sure you really want to pursue an activity before you invest hundreds of dollars in it. Plus, it may make sense to rent certain kinds of gear for growing children.

Sports equipment has a high market value. Teams across the country are often in need of these items, as well as individuals who might want to try a sport one time. It is easy to maintain and own in bulk so you can have multiple rentals going on at once.

Some equipment that you can rent includes:

  • Baseball bats
  • Basketballs
  • Skis/Wakeboards
  • Golf clubs
  • Protective gear


All of this, and more, can be rented out to a desiring audience. You can easily make money by investing in many sports supplies.

7.          Fitness Equipment


When it comes to exercise machines, how many of us know someone who bought a treadmill only to let it languish in the garage? Consider renting instead! Lots of local sports shops and individual people have fitness equipment lying around that could probably be better served rented out to someone else.


8.          Camping Gear


Camping gear can also easily cost hundreds of dollars to get outfitted, and many people find that they don’t go enough to justify that expense. If you only use a tent once a year, does it make sense to let it molder in your basement? Or would it make more sense to rent?


Camping is something that only happens for most people occasionally. Thus, most do not want to buy camping supplies. You can be the person that rents things to them instead.

Some equipment you might have on stock can include:

  • Tents / Rooftop Tents
  • Sleeping bags
  • Portable fires
  • Bear tins


All of these will be used by the average camper. You will be doing them a favor and pocketing some income on the side.

9.          Garden


Rather than having your own garden, you can rent out the space for someone else to use. It doesn’t need to be big, and it can be far away from your home. If you provide beds that can be planted in, someone can pay you to use the space.

Gardens should be in locations that have the potential to receive both sun and shade. Provide ways for this to happen for positive reviews and returning customers over time.


10.          Clothes


Everybody needs clothes. Sometimes, there are special occasions where a certain style is only needed for a short period. This is where you can start making money.

There are many items you can rent out for profit. Some of the best include:

  • Jeans
  • Dress shirts
  • Skirts
  • Jackets

You determine the timespan that the rental occurs in. There is very little risk involved with renting out clothes, so you can feel safe investing in affordable options.

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