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July 30, 2022

5 Reasons Why Road Trips Rule

The best road trips are about so much more than just getting there and back. 


1. Nature is the ultimate RX for stress.


Have you ever felt like your entire body lets out one big exhale as soon as you leave the city? There’s a science to that. 

Studies show a potent link between nature and stress relief, providing a balm whether we’re on the verge of burnout or just feeling stuck in a rut. Many physicians around the world actually prescribe nature therapy—or its mystical-sounding term, “forest-bathing” —for reversing physical and emotional exhaustion. Other benefits of communing with nature include boosting mood, clarity, creativity, even immunity. In other words, it’s the perfect antidote to all the doom-scrolling and distance-learning that’s likely monopolized much of your year. So go ahead and roll those windows all the way down.

2. Safe, clean accommodations are within reach.


Planning overnight stops? If you’re wondering what hotel stays are like now a days, rest assured that many properties are following new standards of cleanliness and safety after Covid. The hospitality leader behind brands like Comfort Inn & Suites, Sleep Inn, and Quality Inn, are very committed to clean, they’re scrupulous with regard to deep cleaning, disinfecting, hygiene, etc.

3. Road tripping is code for team building.


Road trips are a special breed of vacation for one simple fact: You can’t “airplane mode” your way from point A to point B. The logistics, navigation, and pit stops along the way all inevitably involve communication and collaboration. 

4. You don’t have to leave the dog behind!


You’re not the only one begging for a change of scenery. One of the biggest advantages of taking a road trip is getting to bring along the whole family for the adventure, four-legged members included. You’ll of course want to book a pet-friendly hotel


5. There’s no wrong way to road trip.


It goes without saying that you’ll want to research your routes and destination ahead of time, knowing that we’re still in social-distancing mode—and even more so in certain states. You know the drill: avoid crowded locales, wash your hands, pack sanitizer, and wear a mask when you’re around other folks.

Beyond that, whether you’re traveling solo or with your family, scoping out the seaside or hitting the hiking trails, you’re doing it right. And if you’re “working from home” while traversing the country? We won’t tell.

Category: Summer

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