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July 18, 2022

6 Surprising Wedding Rental Ideas to Consider

All things dining

From plates and dishes to silverware and linen napkins and tablecloths. There is a wide selection available for rent. You can also rent glasses, such as champagne flutes, red and white wine glasses, water and soda glasses, and miscellaneous barware.

The wedding attire

Many men already know that they can rent their tux, but it is possible to rent the wedding dress, too!

This may be a quick “no,” when asked to consider giving up permanent ownership of that wedding dress, but consider what you can do with the chunk of budget your dress will eat up. And, for something that you will only wear one day out of your entire life. You may be better off splurging for a rental of the perfect dress, rather than purchasing it.

Furniture and props

Whether your style is modern or classic, there is furniture to meet your vision.

A few ideas are:

  • Furniture with a sleek, contemporary look. Think bright purples, yellows, golds, and whites (or any furniture that matches with your wedding colors).
  • Vintage furniture can bring back a warm, Victorian feel for your guests. It gives a feminine look to the venue.
  • Prepare a seating area on sofas decorated with huge, stuffed pillows.
  • White, glowing furniture always offers a unique and welcoming space. This furniture generally uses LED lighting – meaning that its colors can be changed to match your needs.

And, don’t forget the props – you are going to need them! They offer your guests a fun, interactive time. Here are a few ideas of wedding rental props to consider:

  • A photo booth with all the accessories to match your style.
  • A popcorn machine.
  • Firepits.

Floral Accoutrements

A wedding just isn’t a wedding without flowers. But, what do you do with all the flower bouquets you want to display throughout your venue? Consider renting out all the floral accouterments needed. And, most of these go beyond your typical vase.

  • Vases of many varying sizes and shapes.
  • Decorative aisle markers.
  • Floral wedding arches.
  • Floral candelabras.


Not only can tents provide protection from outdoor elements, but they also come with so many options.

  • Choose the size of the tent based on rental needs.
  • Rent flooring (including dance floors) and staging to set off the space.
  • Sidewalls are available to provide extra protection and privacy.
  • Rent air conditioning or heating systems to keep  guests comfortable throughout the entire ceremony.

Tent rentals are the perfect option for those who want to take their wedding outside while keeping a bit of the indoor comfort.


Lighting is important for weddings – especially if it’s being held outdoors or in the evening hours. Renting lighting can save you money and there are lots of styles to choose from that will help enhance the outdoor space. 

Category: Rental Ideas

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