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August 22, 2022

7 Types Of Water Sports Equipment You Can Rent

Those who go in vacation in exotic places usually engage in different types of sports and activities such as kayaking, stand up paddle boarding, and others. Such sports you cannot practice everywhere and obviously, you need specialized gear to protect you during your experience. In most cases, there is no point in buying snorkeling equipment, for example, if you do this activity twice a year. It is much more convenient to simply rent the equipment you need. Therefore, here are several types of equipment you can rent today to perform your favorite water sports.


Kayaking equipment


Kayaks are necessary to perform one of the best and most popular water sports. They come in various sizes, shapes, and various colors as well. When you rent kayaks, you will also need paddles and various accessories such as backrests. The rental price for kayaking equipment depends on various factors such as the location you visit, for how long you rent the kayaks, and so on. Typically, kayaks are rented for daily or weekly use and if you rent for a longer period of time, you are entitled to discounts.


Stand up paddleboard equipment


Just like kayaks, paddleboards are also very varied, and they should be rented according to the clients’ needs and preferences. When you rent paddleboards, you might also need to get paddles and various other accessories such as a life vest.


Snorkeling equipment


The snorkeling equipment allows you to dive under water and explore the magnificent unseen aquatic world. This unique experience gives you the possibility to see stunning aquatic creatures, aquatic plants, and different types of water animals. Your adventure can be guided by a professional who will also tell you more details about the amazing creatures you encounter under water. To engage in a snorkeling adventure, you will need a mask, fins, snorkels, and several other accessories. Those who love snorkeling usually rent a snorkel vest, specialized rash guards and boots of various sizes.


Surf equipment


Just like snorkeling, surfing is also a great water sport preferred by numerous people. Nothing can be more pleasant and attractive than riding a surfboard and racing the ocean waves towards the beach. The surf gear is usually very diverse, and it can be tailored according to your needs. First of all, you will need a surfboard which should be chosen depending on your body type and weight. Also, you will need a surf suit and maybe a life vest if you are a beginner when it comes to surfing.


Jet ski equipment


If you want to travel short distances across the ocean or sea, then you might want to rent a jet ski. This is a vehicle like a motorcycle, only that it drives on water, and it is not that fast. Still, you and your friends or relatives can hop on a jet ski and explore the sea in style. Prices for renting jet skis vary depending on the duration of your journey. You might also want to consider renting life vests, particularly if you are jet skiing for the first time.


Canoe equipment


Renting a canoe is also a great idea if you want to travel across water in style accompanied by one of your friends or relatives. A canoe comes in various sizes and colors, and it usually can accommodate 2 persons at once. Sometimes if you are renting a canoe for more than 2 or 3 hours, you will get a discount. Also, you might be happy to know that experience is not required to travel with a canoe, and you can share this adventure with your kids as well. You might also need to rent life vests to have more peace of mind out on the water.


Other types of accessories to enhance your experience


There are multiple types of accessories you can take advantage of when engaging in water sports. For example, you might be interested in a waterproof camera which will be very useful to snap pictures of aquatic creatures and plants. The waterproof camera can also be used to film your canoeing or kayaking adventures or to capture your friends on film when they travel with a jet ski. The camera is equipped with a memory card, so you can snap as many pictures as you want.


In addition to waterproof cameras, you can also rent special glasses which will prevent water from getting in your eyes while you are diving under water or traveling with a jet ski. Different types of wetsuits might also be recommended when performing water sports to enhance your experience.

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