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April 15, 2023

The Benefits of Gear Rental vs Owning Outdoor Equipment

Trying to decide whether you should buy that new bike, snowboard or kayak, or instead rent the latest and greatest version? Understanding your needs and the benefits offered by rentals and ownership will help you make the right decision for you.

In this article, we’re going to dive deep into looking into the advantages of renting vs. owning outdoor equipment. We will help you break down all the reasons you may want to rent vs. buy, and why your goals and preferences make a huge difference in the decision.

What to consider when choosing to buy or rent gear

Here are some questions to ask when deciding whether to purchase gear or rent it for an upcoming outdoor adventure:

  • How often will I be using this gear?
  • What are the implications for traveling with this piece of gear if I own it? (For example, checking a bike on a flight can be pricey and should be included in your final calculation.)
  • Will I ever be able to use this gear at home, or will I always have to travel to use it?
  • Do I have room to store this piece of gear at home?
  • What is my budget?
  • How do I feel about sustainability and helping the environment?

These questions can give you some guidance as to whether renting or buying is a better choice for you.

The benefits of renting gear: convenience without commitment

Outdoor activities that were once only available to those who could afford pricey equipment are now open to everyone.

Here are some benefits to consider of renting gear for your next outdoor adventure versus buying it outright

01Enjoy top-of-the-line gear without breaking the bank

Want to ride the slopes of Jackson Hole on the latest mountain bike from Yeti without spending thousands of dollars? Then renting is for you.

Renting equipment slashes the potential price tag on your outdoor activity. You can save money through renting and you can even allot those extra bucks to other adventures on your bucket list.

02You value mobility and move around often, or you are downsizing

Renting is for you if the idea of hauling your bulky, heavy gear from one location to another feels daunting. Or if you are one of the many Americans looking to downsize, or own less things – gear like bikes, boards and kayaks take up valuable space.

03You can try something new without commitment

Still in the stage where you’re trying out different outdoor sports? Renting gives you the chance to sample new activities without shelling out big bucks for a sport you might not end up sticking with.

04You get to experience the newest version

Manufacturers are coming out with great new upgrades on equipment constantly, and last year’s gear seems to be outdated before the next season even hits. This is also evident in prices – the average mountain bike costs over $4,000 now.

This means that if you spend thousands on a 2022 version of your favorite equipment, there may be some new features coming on the next version before the year is even done. The benefit of renting is being able to enjoy the new innovations.

Plus, renting allows you to sample different brands and find out what company really suits you before purchasing.

05Owning gear comes with added expenses

Once you purchase a piece of sporting gear, it starts to depreciate with every use. There are other expenses, too: maintenance costs, hauling expenses, storage costs, upgrades, repairs, and insurance.

If you’re only using your gear a few times a year, these expenses can be a real nuisance. Renting is a practical choice because it allows you to enjoy outdoor experiences without the additional expenses involved with owning gear.

06Renting is more environmentally sustainable

If you value sustainability, renting is for you. When you rent, you’re essentially sharing gear with other outdoor enthusiasts. Sharing goods and products is a great way to reduce carbon waste – sort of like using public transportation.

Manufacturing of outdoor equipment requires production waste, carbon emission, raw material extractions, and chemical use. When a single piece of gear can be used by multiple people, these negative impacts are mitigated. It’s much better for the planet for 25 people to use one kayak than for all 25 to each own their own kayak, especially if they only use it a couple times a year.

Category: Renting vs Buying

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