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January 20, 2023

Why Rent Baby Gear for Your Family Vacation

Now a days, renting baby gear while on vacation just makes sense. Not only does it lighten your load, it’s very easy! Read on to learn 10 reasons to rent toddler and baby gear for travel. 

1. You’ll have less to lug when you rent baby gear.

Flying with a baby or toddler is overwhelming enough without toting around a travel crib, car seat, travel swing, and anything else your little one needs. Lugging less stuff through the airport means less stress and fewer baggage fees for parents.

2. A full-sized crib means better sleep.

Many babies and toddlers sleep better while traveling if they go to bed in a full-sized crib than in a pack-n-play. Young children like routine so try to make your vacation digs as similar to home as possible. A full-sized crib may feel more familiar and comfier. Renting a travel crib especially makes sense when you are staying in a loved one’s home or rental property where you have room to spread out. 

3. Car seats are needed by law and for safety.

Most likely, you will need a car seat at your destination. Even if you don’t plan to rent a car, if you will be using taxis, Ubers, or Lyfts on your vacation, many states require a car seat. Plus, it’s the safe thing to do. With most airlines, you can gate-check car seats at no extra cost, but you will still need to lug the car seat through the airport. Especially with heavy toddler seats, this can be quite cumbersome.

4. Rental car companies sometimes run out of car seats.

If you will be renting a car, then you may be tempted to just rent a car seat from the car rental company. Beware, though, that sometimes car rental agencies run out of car seats, even when you’ve reserved one in advance. 

5. Baby equipment rental companies thoroughly clean and sanitize their gear.

Car seats rented from baby equipment companies (for example, ULend.Me) are meticulously cleaned whereas those from rental car companies can be kind of grungy. The same thing is true of travel cribs offered for free at hotels versus cribs rented from a baby equipment specialist. 

6. Make room in the trunk on road trips.

Even if you’re planning a road trip with a baby or toddler, you might want to consider renting at least some of your toddler and baby gear. After cramming all of your suitcases into the trunk, you may not have room for that baby jogger or bouncy seat. Some owners on ULend.Me even offer toys, beach gear, humidifiers and more.

7. Some babies simply can’t part with a bouncy seat or baby swing.

I thought my baby could handle a week away from her bouncy seat. I was wrong! Halfway through our first trip as new parents, I gave in and purchased a bouncy seat at the local Target. It was worth the extra expense so that I could make it through meals and visits with friends without constantly bouncing and appeasing my daughter. The same holds true for some babies who need a baby swing to settle down for naps. So go ahead and rent a bouncy seat or baby swing if needed!

8. Renting a high chair makes meals easier.

If you’ll be eating-in quite a bit at grandma’s house or elsewhere at your destination, then a high chair will make meals easier and more enjoyable for all. This is particularly true on longer trips. When planning to stay with family and friends who don’t have baby gear, you’ll be thankful when you rent a high chair for mealtimes.

9. Save space for other stuff.

Especially when traveling with two or more children, you just might have too much stuff to bring along. Parents traveling with multiples or a young children of various ages may find it difficult or downright impossible to pack multiple travel cribs, a double stroller, and a slew of toys. Rent baby gear from ULend.Me instead!

10. Try out new baby and toddler gear.

Not sure if you want to purchase that expensive baby carrier, video baby monitor, or fancy stroller? Rent baby gear instead! It costs less and you can test out new products before making a big purchase.

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