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August 10, 2022

40 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Rent (Items 11 – 20)

11.          Shoes


Like clothes, shoes are often necessary for certain events. They can be more expensive than clothes and are often only worn once or twice. Renting is a better option for many. Shoes are one of the best things to rent because it only takes a few rentals for them to be worth the money that you paid for them.

Some shoes that you can rent out include:

  • Stilletos
  • Dress shoes
  • Tap shoes
  • Dinkles

The rental market is huge for shoes. All you need to do is ensure that they are cleaned and disinfected when they come back to you. It is critical to have the most common sizes in every pair.


12.          Parking Space


Property owners know that in many places, parking spaces are few and far between. If you have access to an extra parking space, you can pull in some extra money by renting it out to those staying in a vacation rental or those who need another spot for their vehicles.

A parking space is best used when charged monthly or weekly. It’s a lot like renting out a room. You can easily monitor the situation and make sure that other cars do not occupy the location if they are not paying you.


13.          Advertising Space


Advertising is critical in today’s market. You can market ad space to consumers and companies. If you have a blank space that can be seen by a lot of people at once, you can use it to put advertisements on display for all to see.

Some great spots to put out for rent include:

  • Your car
  • A website or blog
  • A billboard that you have access to
  • Your yard
  • Your personal business

All of these items are perfect for hosting advertisements. Besides the initial cost of the empty space, it is completely free for you to display these advertisements. You can make quite a bit of money by doing so.


14.         A Bounce House

Some rental requests include bounce houses. These inflatable
devices can easily be packed and transported, blowing up in a matter of
minutes. If you know how to store and take care of these items, they can last
you a long time.

Bounce houses are often in demand at:

  • Birthday parties
  • Corporate events, such as
    family picnics
  • Graduation parties

You should pick a bounce house that is unique and will draw
attention. The more special your piece is, the more likely it is that people
will pick it over the dozens of other inflatables available.


15.          A Water Slide

Like bounce houses, water slides are another inflatable that you can rent out. The only difference between these and bounce houses is the use of running water with this gear.

Due to the running water, it is vital that you clean the water slide after every single use. You can charge a service fee if the renter fails to get the water out after use. If you leave moisture inside, there is a potential for molding to occur.

16.          Car Seats

Car seats are necessary for most toddlers and young children. You can invest in a few quality seats and rent them out to those that may need them. This might include families on vacation or folks who need a temporary replacement until they find a new seat for their child.

With car seats, you should ensure that they are intact after every single use. Safety should be your number one priority. If you have a broken seat, you will be putting children in danger. Make sure that your rental business does not do this to its customers.

17.          Photography Equipment

Photography equipment can be expensive. Many people who need to take pictures for an event would rather rent it than buy it. You can take advantage of this by renting out photography equipment to those that need it.

This gear might consist of:

  • Tripods
  • Cameras
  • Lights


All of these items can be utilized by a photographer to make a great picture happen. The initial purchase of this gear will be very expensive for you, but it will make up for itself as time goes on. You might want to make a list of the items that are rented out to ensure that it does not get stolen.

18.          Make Money Renting A Pool

If you have a swimming pool, you can make money by renting it out to users during the hottest months of the year. It can be available for parties, corporate events, and family gatherings. If you have the space, you can even rent out the entire yard for use.

When doing this, you should check the chemical levels daily to make sure that they are safe for others to use. Make sure that the water levels are high, and that it is clean. You can rent out pool toys on the side for a bonus way to make money.

19.          Musical Instruments

Band students in high school and first-time musicians often rent their instruments, rather than buying them. Musical instruments are a good way to make money for you.

All you need to do is make sure that everything is clean after it is used. You can even sell the equipment if the musician wants to keep it after all is said and done. Musical instruments are one of the best things to rent.

20.          A Website

You can rent out your website, especially if it is a popular one in a specific niche. You can build it up until it has a solid reputation, and then rent it out to those who want to make the most out of the frequently used space.

Renting websites is a great way to make money. It requires work in the beginning, but then you can let it go. You don’t need to do anything else to rake in some bonus dough.

Category: Rental Ideas

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