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August 12, 2022

40 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Rent (Items 21 – 30)


21.          Fishing Gear

Fishing equipment can be useful to many. Camping trips and those on one-day excursions often use these items to catch fish on their trips.

Some gear that you can rent out includes:

  • Fishing poles
  • Bait
  • Buckets
  • Nets

All of these will draw in an audience. These items are easy to maintain and even easier to purchase so that you can always have them on hand.


22.          Board Games

If you have more board games than you can count, rent them out. Many people want games to play, especially if they are on vacation and need something to do.

Games are not expensive, so you can charge low fees and still make your money back fast. Not many people do this, so you are sure to attract customers.


23.          Art Supplies

Often, potential artists do not have what they need to create what they want. Many art supplies are excessively expensive and unaffordable. You can rent these things to them instead.

Some art supplies you might have include:

  • Easels
  • Frames
  • Brushes


Do not rent out supplies that cannot be reused, such as paints. There is little point in doing so as you will lose money in the end.


24.          Event Space

An open backyard or indoor room can be rented out as an event space. You can make money hosting gatherings such as:

  • Parties
  • Weddings
  • Family reunions


If you take the time to make the space look nice, it will grow in demand. It does not take much effort to bring in bonus income.


25.          Surfboards

One of the best things to rent, if you are in a beach location, is surfboards. People in Hawaii, Florida, and California will find this business especially beneficial for them. Tourists and residents alike might want to make use of this opportunity to try surfing without making a commitment.

Besides surfboards, you can also rent:

  • Boogie boards
  • Fins
  • Wetsuits
  • Board wax
  • Surfboard leashes

You can rent out anything that has to do with the world of surfing to maximize your business. Other equipment will add value to your business. If this feels like it will be too much, you can decide to stick to surfboards as your main form of income.


26.          Bandwidth

If you have extra bandwidth that you are not using, you can sell it to make money. Users can rent out extra bandwidth for their own purposes. Often, this is done through a company that you can give your internet to.


In a world that is becoming more and more crowded, renting things like bandwidth is going to get more and more necessary. The online world is desperate for more access to the internet, so this is an interesting idea that is sure to pad your pockets with some bonus cash.


27.          Baby Equipment

Baby gear is needed by new families everywhere. This is one of the things you can rent that requires a high level of sanitization to be successful. Babies are prone to disease, so you need to take care of it.

Some examples of baby gear that you can rent out includes:

  • Cribs
  • Strollers
  • Playpens
  • Toys
  • Diaper bags

There are many forms of baby gear that can be easily cleaned. Never rent out items like bottles or binkies. When renting out equipment for babies, keeping everything clean should be one of your top priorities.


28.          Space for Animals

If you own real estate that has a lot of land, you can provide a location for people to board their animals. Whether dogs, cats, or horses, this is an excellent way for you to make extra money on an unused location.

You should clarify whether or not you take care of the animals being boarded. Do the owners need to do everything, or will you help? This is critical to establish your own rental business. Dog owners, horse owners, and other animal lovers will flock to you if you form this space correctly.


29.          Appliances

Appliances are often necessary for single uses. If you have a hand mixer or a blender, you can rent it out. This often comes in handy when people are on vacation and discover that they need equipment that they do not have.


Daily or weekly rates work best when renting out appliances. You should vary your prices so that you are competitive with other businesses that are trying to do the exact same thing as you.

30.          Video Games

Companies like Redbox have found ways to make money by renting video games out for a day or so. You can also capitalize on this by allowing people to rent video games that you may have in your home.

Since most games save on individual devices, it will be like new when someone rents it. There is no need to clear your progress. You can charge rent based on the hour, day, or week. The online world loves video games, so there will always be a market hungry for more.

Category: Rental Ideas

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