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August 15, 2022

40 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Rent (Items 31 – 40)

31.          Textbooks

College students are always in need of textbooks. These can be unnecessarily expensive. If you gather a supply of commonly used books, you can rent them out to students who are in need.

Some of the most popular textbooks fall in the area of:

  • English
  • Science
  • Math


Find textbooks that fall in the areas of the common curriculum that all students need to take. Here, you will find the easiest ways to make money.

32.          Office Space

Office spaces are very popular. This real estate location is becoming more and more in demand as working from home increases. You can rent out the office space to those who have none in their own home.

How much you charge can depend on the size of the office space, and the equipment that you have available for them to use. You can require payment based on weekly or monthly rates. It is all up to you.


33.          Space in Your Car

If you have space in your car that is unused, you can pocket some extra money by renting out the seat to someone else. Carpooling will save you some money on your trip and it is also better for the environment.

You should make sure that you feel safe with the individual before settling on a routine. Fees can be monthly or weekly, depending on if the situation becomes permanent or not. Using the extra space in your car is an excellent way to make bonus money. This is especially helpful if you use your vehicle frequently.


34.          Moving Gear

The average human being moves at least three times in their life. If they have accumulated a lot of items over the years, chances are high that they will need assistance moving the heavier items. They might even need a van to put everything inside.

Some things to rent in terms of moving gear include:

  • A van
  • A dolly
  • Moving straps
  • A ramp
  • Your assistance


Anything that could help someone in their moving process can be rented out. The rental price can be set however you would like.

35.          Mobility Items

As the elderly population increases around the world, mobility items are becoming more and more necessary. These are things that you can rent out for profit.

Some mobility items that you can invest in include:

  • Motorized scooters
  • Wheelchairs
  • Crutches
  • Mobility scooters


All of these things can be rented out for extra cash. Before each rental, you should make sure that the items are in good condition and fully charged.


36.          Furniture

If you have the ability to move it around, you can use furniture for making money online. Many general rental sites provide ways for customers to temporarily rent items such as sofas and chairs. You can do this too, and add a personal touch to garner the best rental business possible.

Of course, you may not have the ability to move furniture around for renters. You can either charge service fees or focus on renting out lighter pieces such as fold-out chairs and tables.


37.          Diving Gear

If you live by the beach, diving equipment can be in high demand. You can make a solid rental business by purchasing diving gear and putting it out for vacationers to invest in.

The diving gear consists of items such as:

  • Wetsuits
  • Scuba masks
  • Air tanks
  • Fins


Divers need these to have a successful trip. You can offer them at affordable rates to ensure a profit. All you need to do is make sure that the equipment is intact and clean. Failure to do so can cause damage to your reputation and rental business.

38.          Rock Climbing Supplies

This is a very niche activity, but renting out rock climbing supplies can turn a bit of an extra profit. If you made an impulsive buy, you can even save money by getting back some of your hard-earned cash.

Rock climbing equipment includes items such as:

  • Rock climbing shoes
  • Climbing ropes
  • Carabiners
  • Belaying devices

If you have any of these, you can advertise them online for rent. This will do especially well if you live in an area where rock climbing is popular.


39.          Formal Wear

Many gatherings require formal wear, but not everybody wants to spend all that money on a tuxedo or fancy dress. After all, it is likely that they will only put it on one time. It’s a waste of money for many. Your own rental business can turn a profit by renting out items such as:

  • Collared shirt and button-downs
  • Elegant dresses
  • Tuxedos
  • Ties and bowties


All of these items are in high demand. By renting out for an affordable price, you can beat the chain competitors and earn passive income with your business.

40.          Catering Equipment

Catering equipment can come in handy for many people. You can make money by renting out a variety of items for cooking, such as:

  • Portable heaters
  • Large tents
  • Serving trays and utensils

Many parties require catering equipment for the food. You can pull in big bucks by investing in these items and renting them out to services in the area where you live. All you need to do is ensure that it is clean and ready to go.


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