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October 17, 2022

Rent the Equipment for Your Fall Yard Cleanup

It is easy for anyone’s backyard to become a mess during the fall months. It eventually leads to a long list of things you would like to do before the winter comes. Most people do not own the equipment for a proper fall yard cleanup. This includes equipment such as chippers, aerators, leaf blowers, and log splitters. These machines all serve different purposes and can help cleanup your yard without all the hassle. Luckily these are items that can be rented out! 

Before you begin, list what needs to be done and prioritize it. Some things on this list may be good first steps, such as mowing, and removing rubbish or sticks. Anything that’s going to the dump must also be done first. Make your list in such a way that each accomplished task clears the way for the next project.  This will help keep the fall cleanup from being more difficult than necessary. Note what tools you might need, so you can make it easy and convenient to book and rent out!

The first piece of equipment you need to rent is a leaf blower or vacuum. This will help clean off stony pathways, landscaping stones, green space, and any outdoor furniture such as backyard tables and chairs. To clear out any other unwanted clutter, you may need to rent a wheelbarrow or other containers for separating what needs to disposed of, and what to put away for seasonal storage.

Another important piece of equipment you can rent is a power lawn aerator. Lawn aeration is the key to making your yard look healthy and green. You can also use a spade to cultivate non-grassy patches or bare spots in your yard. Like aeration, this will help prepare your yard for new seeding and fertilization. Depending on where you live, you may need to fertilize your grass or flowerbeds in the fall to ensure a more healthy lawn and garden in the spring. Be sure to handle these fertilizers with care since they can include dangerous chemicals. Consider renting a spreader to make the task easy. Regardless, make sure to take care of all bare spots before winter. The spots can ruin the visual appearance of a healthy yard.

A few more pieces of equipment to consider for rental are chainsaws and chippers.  Before the snow falls, it is important to assess the branches in your yard. Low hanging or dead branches should be cut down because winter winds and weight from the snow can break these branches and possibly cause serious damage. You can take care of them by renting a chainsaw or a pole saw and a ladder. Once you have finished chopping all dead branches, you can place them through a chipper to effectively dispose of the wood.

Fall cleanup can be easy with the right equipment! Check out ULend.Me for you rental needs!

Category: Fall, Rental Ideas

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