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7 Times It Makes More Sense to Rent Furniture Than Buy It
Thinking of renting furniture for a home? Whether your living situation is currently in transition or you’re simply not ready to invest in expensive furnishings, renting furniture could be the [...]
Jul 12, 2022 Category: Renting vs Buying 0 Comments
Lawn Game Rentals: The Cheapest Way to Start a Rental Business
Are you looking to start your own rental business but don’t know where to start? Well, lawn game rentals may be the answer. They are the most affordable products to get started with in rentals [...]
Jul 06, 2022 Category: Rental Ideas, Summer 0 Comments
20 Reasons Why Equipment Rental is Better Than Buying
There are many reasons why renting equipment is better than buying it. If you’re not exactly sure what type of equipment to buy, renting can help you make your decision and allow you to test out [...]
Jul 02, 2022 Category: Renting vs Buying 0 Comments
The 5 Hottest Event Rental Items for Summer
1. Tents! Tents not only provide shade and comfort for your guests, but they can also help break up your event space into different areas. There are many tent options out there to help you [...]
Jun 29, 2022 Category: Rental Ideas, Summer 0 Comments
How to take product photos that will help rent your goods?
If you are looking for a way to make items for rent on your ULend.Me stand out, it’s important to learn how to take product photos that truly showcase just how amazing your stuff is. With that in [...]
Jun 28, 2022 Category: Photography your Rental Items 0 Comments
Why rent instead of buying gear for your next outdoor adventure?
Let’s be real – gear is expensive. It’s big, bulky and can be a huge hassle to store. But without it, you wouldn’t be able to do a vast majority of the outdoor activities you love. That’s why [...]
Jun 27, 2022 Category: Renting vs Buying 0 Comments