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May 2, 2023

Start Your Own Open-Air Cinema Business

Be the director of a pop-up cinema rental company.

If you are thinking about starting your own business: How about starting an outdoor movie company?

You like to travel? Perfect! There are so many opportunities to bring open air cinema to people:

  • Establish a theater in rural areas where no cinemas exist anymore
  • Movie nights for hotels on the beach or at the pool
  • Backyard cinema in beautiful gardens
  • Pop-up cinema in unusual places – let environment and movie become one
  • Drive-in cinema for nostalgic cinema experience
  • Offer an outdoor video game experience on a screen bigger than all your living room walls
  • Start a travelling cinema and bring movies to schools, cities, and communities

And there are so many more ideas not created yet, it gives you free rein to your creativity! The best about this: it is easy to install our plug and play products. 

Category: Uncategorized

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