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December 16, 2022

Top 5 Power Tools You’ll Need to Rent in the Winter

As the seasons change, homeowners require different types of power tools and heavy-duty equipment. In the spring and summer, for example, machines that can be used to complete outdoor projects, such as deck building and swimming pool installation, are popular. As cooler weather arrives, though, people’s needs shift. As you read this article, you will see descriptions of the top five power tools you’re likely to need to rent during the winter months.


Portable generators

If you reside in an area in which it is not uncommon to lose power during winter storms, having a portable generator at-the-ready is a wise decision. Renting one of these alternative power sources will allow your household to still utilize essentials, such as your refrigerator, and, if you are a business owner, will give you the ability to continue operations, until your electricity is restored.


Leaf blowers

With cooler weather comes falling leaves. Leaf blowers make leaf removal significantly faster and easier than other methods, like manual raking. In the winter, leaf blower rentals spike noticeably, especially among those who live on large pieces of property that would be next-to-impossible to rake by hand. Additionally, in commercial settings, proprietors often choose to rent leaf blowers because they simply don’t have time to rake leaves.



Construction projects can occur during the winter months but, to complete them, Bobcats typically have to be rented. These pieces of machinery allow workers to move snow piles, frozen dirt, and other materials so they continue doing their jobs. By renting, rather than buying, a Bobcat, lessees are able to pick and choose what kinds of accessories, such as backhoe buckets, they require.


Commercial heaters 

There are a number of situations in which commercial heaters are essential during the wintertime. Whether you own a large, open warehouse and need to provide heat for your employees or are a farmer who must warm multiple barns, commercial heaters are the solution. These devices can also be used during events like municipal Christmas walks and outdoor holiday craft fairs.


Snow plow attachments

Many trucks and full-size vans can be equipped with snow plow attachments during the winter months. Whether renters intend to use their plows to earn extra money by plowing others’ properties or just to dig themselves out on a regular basis, they are a worthwhile investment.

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