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August 1, 2022


Outdoor parties for any occasion can be a great idea for a summer gathering!  Here are a few ideas that will be sure to be a hit with your friends and family!

Swimming Pool Party 

There are few outdoor party ideas that are better than taking a dip in the backyard swimming pool. There probably isn’t a child or an adult on this planet who doesn’t absolutely love to get into the water and swim with their friends. 

Bounce House

If there’s anything that could possibly beat a swimming pool party, it’s setting up a bounce house. These are mostly for smaller kids and it’ll keep them entertained for a very long time. They can be rented and setup is quick and painless. This is also a great way to get the kids some exercise so that they can burn off some of that excitement and energy they’ve built up.

Ice Cream Party

Instead of going with the tried-and-true tradition of cake and ice cream, why not add to the festivities with a full-on ice cream party? Gather up several different ice cream flavors, waffle cones, edible sundae bowls, and tons of different toppings. It’s also a good idea to check with any parents whose kids might be lactose intolerant and supply an alternative so everyone can join in.

Beach Party

If you have a swimming pool in your backyard, then having a beach party might be a foregone conclusion. But, even without a pool, it’s very possible to duplicate the feeling of being at the beach by creating a theme of fish, shark, crabs, and other aquatic life. Add in a seafood feast, a sandbox to build castles, swim noodles, and inner tubes, and it’s almost as good as being on the coast.

Live Entertainment

Although you might think it’s a bit cliché because you see it in the movies all the time, live entertainment is still a great way to celebrate. 

Outdoor Family Movies

One of the easiest outdoor party ideas that will keep kids of ALL ages entertained for hours is setting up an outdoor movie theater. All you’ll need to do is rent a projector and projection screen. Today’s advanced models will allow you to play Blu-rays while some will even allow you to stream movies through either the projector itself or by hooking up a computer or laptop to it.

Nerf Gun Party

No matter how popular online games become, Nerf continues to be one of the favorite sources of entertainment for children. There are so many types of Nerf guns available that you could by dozens of them and no two kids would have the same one. Perhaps the best part for parents, of course, is that these toys are entirely safe for children of all ages.

Oversized Kids’ Games

Yes, you heard us correctly – oversized kids’ games! There are several different types that you can rent such as Yardzee (a take on Yahtzee), Jenga, checkers, chess, and others. These very large games are played the same as their traditional – and much smaller – counterparts, but everyone will really love the ridiculous size of these games.

Water Party

An easy way to get everyone at the party having loads of fun is to involve water. This can be anything from turning on the sprinklers and putting up a Slip ’N Slide to handing out water guns and water balloons. 

Various Concessions

Only one of these outdoor party ideas so far has involved food, so let’s circle back to that for a moment. Many people don’t realize that there are several different types of concessions that can be rented for  parties. In addition to lunch items such as a hot dog rotisserie and nacho cheese dispenser, you can also rent stands that provide snacks like popcorn, cotton candy, and snow cones. We probably don’t have to tell you how everyone will love any of these choices.

Party Games for Outdoor Parties

If you have a sizable outdoor area for people to play in, you can set up several different types of party games throughout the day. Outdoor games such as obstacle courses, sack races, tug of war, Red Light Green light, Red Rover Red Rover, and several others will keep everyone entertained for hours. 

Scavenger Hunt

People have always loved to solve puzzles, but that’s especially true today thanks to the proliferation of online games. The best way to hold a scavenger hunt is to split everyone into groups and pick up a variety of prizes that they can win. If you want to be as fair as possible, choose prices that are of similar value and then have the winning team pick first, followed by the runners-up and so on.

Category: Rental Ideas, Summer

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