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April 20, 2023

Why You Need to Rent a Roof Top Tent Right Now

If you’re on the fence about whether a Roof Top Tent is the ideal way to camp, a rental may be the perfect way for you to try before you buy. Here are 5 reasons you should try out a roof top tent rental.

1. You Get to Try Before You Buy

It’s an investment. If you’ve never slept in a roof top tent before, it makes sense to want to try before you buy.

Many potential buyers have never used a roof top tent before, which is exactly why a rental may be a way to go. The roof top tent design, built-in mattress, and weatherproof construction make for a super comfy camping experience that suits everyone. It doesn’t matter if it’s your first time camping or your millionth journey into the great outdoors.

2. You Can Figure Out the Features You Want

If you know you want a roof top tent but aren’t sure which model to choose, a rental is the perfect way to find out.

You can try out a roof top tent and see which one is right for you. No matter which model you try, you can discover which roof top tent features you love, and which ones you’d leave.

When you try out a roof top tent, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does it have enough space for you?

  • Is it super easy to set up?

  • Does it have a built-in mattress?

  • Can you store your bedding right inside of it, even when closed?

  • Can you mount solar panels or gear mounts on top of it?

  • Is it easy to get in and out of?

Write down the features that are your favorite so you can find a Roof Top Tent style that fits your needs when you’re ready to buy.

3. It’s a Chance to Experience the Roof Top Tent Lifestyle

You may try out the roof top tent experience for a weekend and love the convenience and comfort that it brings to your camping experience. But it’s also important to experience the Roof Top Tent lifestyle.

With a Roof Top Tent, camping can become a way of life. You can hit the open road at a moment’s notice, with your gear all ready to go.

You can find a place to camp last minute by pulling up and parking, and have your tent set up in under a minute. The next day, if you wake up and want to check out a different camping location, you can be packed up and back on the road in minutes.

A Roof Top Tent allows you to live on the road for days, weeks, or even months at a time. It’s the endless possibilities and access to instant adventure that make a Roof Top Tents truly special.

It’s not just a bedroom on wheels. It’s a portal to a new way of seeing the world.

4. A Roof Top Tent is Cheaper (And More Fun) Than an RV

If an outdoorsy road trip is on your agenda this summer and you’ve been thinking about an RV, it’s time to open your eyes to the benefits of an excursion with a roof top tent.

Renting a Roof Top Tent is a lot cheaper than renting an RV. And if the point of a road trip is to get away from your day-to-day life, an RV doesn’t quite live up to the moment — it’s nothing more than a house on wheels.

But with a Roof Top Tent it bridges the gap between traditional and RV camping. You get the comfort and convenience of an RV without having to drive around a huge vehicle up and down winding mountain passes.

The Roof Top Tent design invites everything that’s great about the outdoors into your experience — fresh air and amazing views —while keeping out everything that’s not so great — dirt, bugs, and a cold, bumpy ground.

With an RV, you’re stuck in a stuffy room. Not so fun.

5. It’s the Best Way to See it All

Traditional camping means spending a lot of time and energy setting up your ground tent. By the time your camp site is ready to go, you won’t feel like packing up and changing locations unless it’s time to go back home.

With a Roof Top Tent, you can drive wherever you want and stop when you’re ready to set up camp for the night.

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